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Full Deployment

Full Deployment

Implementing Lean and Lean Six Sigma to the whole enterprise to achieve excellence in every aspect of the business referring to TPS as per the following steps:

  1. Creating Change and getting the buy in  of the team
    • Conduct  a Lean Six Sigma GB training for the organization associated with implementing different projects in different areas  concerning the current hot issues.
    • Emphasize on the team concept and how to build-mange teams and managing the results as well.
    • Emphasize on the sustainability for the achieved results  inside each area by getting the full engagement  from the processes’ owners.
  2. Establish the improvement culture and create  Stability and Foundation
    • Working on the Behaviors & Culture : create the values  & Principles of the organization are delivering behaviors enabling success.
    • Establish Basic Stability “Standardization and Reliability”: The first step toward improvement sustainability is the standardization, the stability, the reliability and clear structure.
    • Establish the spirit of Continuous improvement: Use the results  from Phase one to establish the CI culture with full support from top management adding for that conducting different trainings, workshops and Kaizen events
  3. Full deployment for the improvement methodologies with referring to the Organization strategy
    • Implement Lean Six Sigma Methodologies (VVFPP-DMAIC) with its toolbox “5S –visual management-VSM-TPM-SMED-SPC-Standardization-Error Proofing- Flow-control and Kaizen……..etc.”
    • Link all initiatives with the organization strategy using strategy deployment (A3 and Hoshin Kanri  policy deployment strategy).
  • Finally Creating a customized manufacturing system or management system to the organization such as ( XXX MS = Company name Manufacturing System).