Demand Management
All companies create business plans, financial plans, production plans, distribution plans and resource plans for people, materials, plant and equipment. The starting point for the development of all these plans should be marketplace demand.
This course will look at the topic of demand in the context of the traditional planning loop (plan, do, check, act), emphasizing the need to plan for demand to meet clear objectives. It will also incorporate measuring performance and taking action to get back on plan to meet the objectives.
Course Content
- The importance of demand planning and demand management
- How to improve the demand planning process within your company
- The importance of the forecasting process
- Forecasting as part of demand planning
- The fact that demand can be managed, influenced and adjusted
- The relevant performance measures for demand management
- What can be done to stabilize demand and better balance demand and supply?
- How improving demand planning and demand management can improve overall business performance
Learning objectives
Participants will gain a better understanding of the traditional planning loop and how to improve the demand planning process. In addition, they will learn how to measure performance and some
techniques to ensure objectives are met.
The course will equip participants with a range of demand planning techniques that can be readily applied back in the workplace for positive, immediate results.
Who this course is for
The course is designed for all those on the sales and marketing side of the business, such as sales and marketing managers, account managers, demand planners and demand managers. Supply planners will also benefit from attending this course.
Course Duration
2 Days (16 hrs).